Ductile Iron Cement Lined pipe


Heavy Duty Ductile Iron Cement Lined Pipe, Cement Lined Di Pipe Stockist

Bhawal Steel Agency is one of the most well-known supplier of ductile iron cement pipe, which has various qualities. We are a certified company that exclusively creates products that meet national and international requirements.

Ductile Iron pipe is generally used for supplying and transmitting potable water and is made of ductile cast iron. Malleable iron is ferrous material, and therefore ductile iron is highly susceptible to corrosion; hence, its life depends on the impact of erosion.  Pipe failure can happen due to corrosivity of the soil if the material is unprotected, which can lead to a bit of the life span of the pipes. However, ductile iron has a 21-40-year-old lifespan with no suitable protection under aggressive environments.

The purpose of installing cement lined pipe over the interior wall of the tube is to suppress the procedure of tuberculation within the pipe network. The cement-lined pipe reduces corrosion susceptibility by having an area of high pH near the pipe wall that offers a barrier in the middle of the tube and water. The ductile iron cement lined pipe's has 100-micron blue epoxy finishing coatings to take care of the corrosion.

The applications for Ductile Iron lines pipes are water mains, potable water, storm water drainage, sewer and waste, etc. You can leave your feedback after the successful delivery of your ordered products, and for further queries or any doubt regarding products, feel free to contact us.

Ductile Iron Cement Lined Pipes thickness

Standard thickness Ductile Iron cement lining per C104 AWWA for all normal installation.

Pipe Length
Standard Thickness Double Thickness
Per Foot
Per Length
Per Foot
Per Length
4 18 0.87 17 1.71 31
6 20 1.3 26 2.57 51
8 20 1.74 35 3.45 69
10 20 2.15 43 4.28 86
12 20 2.57 51 5.12 102
14 20 4.49 90 8.93 179
16 20 5.13 103 10.19 204
18 20 5.76 115 11.47 229
20 20 6.4 128 12.73 255
24 20 7.68 154 15.31 306
30 20 12.76 255 25.42 508
36 20 15.31 306 30.51 610
42 20 17.82 356 35.53 711
48 20 20.35 407 40.6 812
54 20 22.89 458 45.68 914
60 20 24.71 494 49.32 986
64 20 26.35 527 52.61 1052


Ductile Iron cement pipe diameter

Nominal Size Inches Outside Diameter Inches Inside Diameter Inches
3 3.96 3.33
4 4.80 4.15
6 6.90 6.27
8 9.05 8.38
10 11.10 10.39
12 13.20 12.45
14 15.30 14.45
16 17.40 16.53
18 19.50 18.61
20 21.60 20.69
24 25.80 24.85
30 32.00 30.97
36 38.30 37.19
42 44.50 43.31
48 50.80 49.53
54 57.56 56.17


Ductile Iron cement weight

Thickness Class Nominal Size Inches Gallons Held (Per Foot) Pipe (Pounds Per Foot) Water (Pounds Per Foot) Total (Pounds Per Foot)
51 3 0.45 10.1 3.8 13.9
51 4 0.70 12.7 5.9 18.6
50 6 1.60 18.2 13.4 31.6
50 8 2.86 25.8 23.9 49.7
50 10 4.40 33.9 36.7 70.6
50 12 6.32 43.2 52.7 95.9
50 14 8.51 55.1 71.1 126.2
50 16 11.14 64.7 93.0 157.7
50 18 14.12 74.5 117.9 192.4
50 20 17.45 84.8 145.7 230.5
50 24 25.17 106.6 210.1 316.7
50 30 39.10 139.3 326.4 465.7
50 36 56.38 182.6 740.7 653.3
50 42 76.46 229.8 638.3 868.1
50 48 100.00 828.7 834.8 1117.5
50 54 128.61 351.1 1056.2 1407.3


Ductile Iron Cement Lined Mechanical Properties

Standard Product Nominal Diameter DN mm Tensile strength N/mm2 Yield strength N/mm2 Elongation % Hardness HB
ISO2531 EN545:2010 EN598:2009 Ductile iron pipes DN100~1000mm ≥420 ≥300 10 ≤230
DN1100~2600mm ≥300 7

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